Liborio Risorto (featured left with his wife Terry)
Executive Director
719-232-6530 (cell)
United States Offices:
Mediterranean Mission Outreach
(Calvary Fellowship Fountain Valley church)
4945 Cable Lane, Colorado Springs, CO 80911
719-382-3711 - click here to email >>
Syracuse, Italy Offices:
Mediterranean Mission Outreach
(International Evangelical Association “Cristo Regna”)
Associazione Evangelica Missionaria Internazionale.
Sede Legale: 96100 Siracuse, Italy - Via Dalmazia, 8
Tel. & Fax: + 39 - 0931 - 411330
Sede Operativa: 96100 Siracuse, Italy - Via Francesco Crispi, 52
Tel: + 39 - 0931 - 1850296
Cell: + 39 - 347 - 3545895
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